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Campuran Kapas dan Kelaras Pisang sebagai Media Tanam Jamur Merang

Campuran Kapas dan Kelaras Pisang sebagai Media Tanam Jamur Merang

(Mixture of Cotton Waste and Dried Banana Leaves as the Media for Straw Mushroom Cultivation)


Laboratorium Mikologi, Jurusan BiologiFMIPA IPB, Jln. Raya Pajajaran, Bogor 16144

In Indonesia straw compost is used as common medium for straw mushroom cultivation, because its high cellulose and hemicellulose content. Never theless, waste cotton derived from textile industry and dried banana leaves can be used for straw mushroom cultivation, because their cellulose and hemicellulose content is also high. Cotton waste and dried banana leaves were composted for 20 days by adding 2% of lime and 8% of rice bran. The compost of cotton waste, dried banana leaves, and mixture of cotton waste and dried banana leaves ratio of 4:1, 3:1, and 1:1 were used as the media for straw mushroom cultivation. Three replications were used for each treatment. The media were pasteurized at about 60oC for two hours, further the temperature was maintained at 50oC for 10 hours. Spawning was carried out when the temperature dropped to 30oC, and then the mushroom house was closed for three days. This condition was necessary for mycelial growth. After that, fresh air was introduced into the house of basidioma formation and development. Harvesting was carried out when the basidioma was at button or egg stage. Mushroom production on the mixture of cotton waste and dried banana leaves at a ratio of 1:1 was not significantly different than cultured on cotton waste only. The production on the other mixture were higher and significantly different than those cultured on cotton waste or banana dried leaves.

Key word: straw mushroom, media for straw mushroom cultivation, cotton waste, dried banana leaves

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